Has anyone heard from Traca? I hope she is doing OK after her break-in.

Traca, Happy to see your post and hope that the year will be a good one for you. Take care of ..


Oh, honey....

you have every reason to be elsewhere and not thinking about us.
Please take care of your more pressing needs first!
Our prayers are with you for good things to happen soon.

Thanks everyone! I got a little misty-eyed checking in today....

It's so good to hear from you...and I can't even express how much those cards & letters meant when I was really struggling. I'd go to my mailbox and cry. It was just lovely. Thank you. We'll get humpty-dumpty put back together soon. No worries.

As for the rest of the junk...

Well, I still go home every night, expecting my place to be broken in again (round 2, maybe?). They never did catch the thief and I keep thinking he's going to come back and finish what he started. Sheesh...It's amazing what home invasion can do to your mind.

And my dad...well, there's a whole other story there, but let's just say, for the past 15 years, I'd successfully managed to avoid going "home" for the holidays. It was weird, to say the very least. And while there was little drama, the old family dynamic I'd been avoiding for so long...was still there...simmering beneath the surface.

But eating chocoalte ice cream in the closet? oh yeah, sign me up for chcolate therapy! At least the &$*# didn't take my ice cream maker. smileys/wink.gif

ok, if a thief takes your ice cream maker... well, I do believe you'd be forgiven his sudden demise.

It's really sad Traca. I think we all just can't quite get over the big break-in when it happens.

I'm always conscious of it when I open the front door. Makes me very angry to think that people believe they have the right to take what is mine. I don't know if realizing that you're not alone helps.

Maybe Spring will help you feel better. It's coming soon.
