Got the bird in the brine now....
I sort of did a riff on what's I've done years ago with Alton Brown's brine as a base.
I sure hope I have this right, I remember that but you're telling me to get the bird on Monday, brine it on Tuesday, remove it from the brine, rinse and pat dry and let it dry out a bit in the fridge on Wednesday, then of course roast it on Thursday.
So the check is in the brine no, tomorrow I will flip it over, and then take it out and rinse it when I get home from work tomorrow. I also need to make the stock from the giblets, purée the pumpkin that I roasted tonight and make the pie dough. I decided to try to make little tart shells and fill them with pumpkin mousse, but if I get too tired out I may just make the pumpkin mousse and put it in my pretty soufflé dish.
I've been going through a major crisis at work, which is causing me to have a major meltdown, but I'm doing a little better right now. I'm trying to focus on how much I can get done each day and hope that it all works out. At the very least, I know that the turkey will taste good. I'm going to roast it over at friends house, and make the family dressing.