Have we already had the turkey brining discussion and I missed it?

Yeh, that brine recipe has been around for a while now. Think I'm dry brining this year, not sure

yet. Will decide by tomorrow morning. It'll be a shorter brine for sure. But I'm cool with that. Haven't always cared for the texture of the meat when doing longer wet brining so next time I do wet brining I'll be dialing back the amount of time the meat brines, and possibly dialing back on the salt. My opinion is we don't need as long of a brining time as many recipes currently call for.

Got the bird in the brine now....

I sort of did a riff on what's I've done years ago with Alton Brown's brine as a base.

I sure hope I have this right, I remember that but you're telling me to get the bird on Monday, brine it on Tuesday, remove it from the brine, rinse and pat dry and let it dry out a bit in the fridge on Wednesday, then of course roast it on Thursday.

So the check is in the brine no, tomorrow I will flip it over, and then take it out and rinse it when I get home from work tomorrow. I also need to make the stock from the giblets, purée the pumpkin that I roasted tonight and make the pie dough. I decided to try to make little tart shells and fill them with pumpkin mousse, but if I get too tired out I may just make the pumpkin mousse and put it in my pretty soufflé dish.

I've been going through a major crisis at work, which is causing me to have a major meltdown, but I'm doing a little better right now. I'm trying to focus on how much I can get done each day and hope that it all works out. At the very least, I know that the turkey will taste good. I'm going to roast it over at friends house, and make the family dressing.

Thanks all, we decided to skip the brine...

I will try it with a chicken later, but to be honest, it's hard to find a place to brine a turkey in a small NYC apartment, LOL!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have 2 unbrined turkeys cooking right now. One on the grill rotisserie and 1 in the oven

I'm positive they will be delish. Will carve them tonight and chill. Warm up tomorrow. One is a donation for a group meal. Both were fresh turkeys.
