HELP!!!! Need to make pulled pork sandwiches for 50 teens. We are cooking the meat

"But a shoulder and butt are at completely different ends of the animal!" I stood there clutching my old recipe card.

More than enough. Put it in a syrup pitcher/ketchup

squeeze bottle or something like that. the sauce is a really small amount per serving really--just a squirt. Hope it goes really well.

We mixed in 8 cups BBQ sauce with the 50 cups pulled pork and offered some on the side

Next time I would mix in all 10 cups as it really soaks it up, then still offer some on the side. Kids devoured it! We ended up serving 29 kids and 8 adults - generously - and had 1 gallon of pork left over!

Successful senior high youth conference!! Thanks all for your help smileys/smile.gif - pics inside

It was indeed a challenge to feed 40 people with no heat source other than steamer pans...we won't be doing that again!

We started off the first night with a brownie sundae party:

Breakfast burrito bar Saturday morning:

We roasted 30 lbs of pork butt for 14 hours!

Pulled pork bar for lunch, with chips and coleslaw:

Spaghetti dinner with garlic bread and salad:
