Here's how my weight loss is going: 21 lbs so far

This is awesome, Marilyn. Love that you visualize the loss with one-pound bags

When I lost lots I went to the store and had the dairy guy bring out 98 lbs of butter. I had to set it up ahead of time and the guy is a friend of mine or it wouldn't have happened. But to see in one mountain of butter what I lost really brought it home to me.

I love that you will donate all the bags of your labor. I should have thought of that.

Keep it up!!! you lost 21 already- another 30 should not be too difficult.


the ability to waltz into a room at the opera/symphony/etc. and be 65lbs. less?


I have watched jaws hitting the floor as I said my piece and waltzed out.


People hate you when you lose weight because they are still fat and envious.

Yes, that is petty, but it still feels good! LOLO>OLOLOLO

Absolutely awesome!

I haven't been around much due to a life that is way too complicated, busy, frantic, hectic, chaotic, but had to come to cheer your amazing victory!

no other task is harder than losing weight, as one HAS to eat to survive. Smokers don't need cigarettes, alcohol can be avoided forever if needed, but food? Nope, we gotta have it. So, it's really really hard to do what you are doing.


And may I add......

People treat you differently when you are heavy. I had no idea how differently until I was thin. Now if I need to cross a busy street cars stop- and people open doors for me at stores and don't try to cut me off with grocery carts at Costco. I even get double-takes from men half my age! (hey, I may be old but I'm not dead). I LOVED seeing people I hadn't seen for a long time- most didn't even recognize me. And let's talk about how I FIT in an airplane seat! And could jump up from sitting anywhere....well, it goes on and on.

Oh yeah, being able to shop for clothes anywhere opened up a whole new world too. No more size 24 at Walmart. I was a size 4-6. It was too skinny- I am a size 8 now and pretty happy.

You go, Marilyn. There is no feeling in the world like it.

Good for you Marilyn. You're such a good egg and always

find a way to help others. (((Marilyn)))

Congrats to you Marilyn! I am so glad you found a method that works for you, that's half

the battle. I wish you great success smileys/smile.gif

Me too. And it's a great reminder of how much physical weight you're no longer hauling around.

Cathy you are exactly right...

people do treat you differently. And I love it. But secretly thinking its bad.

I've felt absoultely fondled by the valet parking boys at the Netherlands when I leave Sunday brunch. If I was still a big pile, it wouldn't be happening...
