hi everyone, have any of you cooked for someone with ulcers?


Well-known member
it will probably be 2 -3 more weeks before Don will be able to tolerate any kind of "real" food again and I want to be prepared on what I can do.

soup is a given and that is where I'll start. but, since he's been on nothing but liquids since xmas, he's looking forward to actually eating again.

i can make some pasta dishes as long as I don't use any kind of red sauce. that's about as much as I can think of right now.


no foods that are acidic or acid producing. I could be wrong with this but nothing that is to heavy

in the stomach to start or to hard to digest. it's been 3 mos of liquids and we don't want his system overwhelmed.

thanks Glennis

Hi Randi - good to see you. I used to cook for my elderly aunt, who while

didn't have ulcers, usually kept things bland (at least in her older years!). She liked roasted chicken, beef stew, turkey, potatoes, little garlic, no onions, nothing too spicey (that's a no-brainer for you, too, I guess!).

Papaya is supposed tp aid digestion, so how about a fruit salad, omitting the acidic fruit and incorporating payapa with pears, apples, bananas?

Lowfat, I would think, would help as it is harder to digest, and obviously avoid acidic foods such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, and even carbonated drinks. No gassy foods, mint, alcohol or coffee :eek:( either.

Hope he feels better soon!

Dawn, I saw on the list, no mint. Why no mint? I always thought mint soothed

a stomach. On the list at the link above they also said no mint. I would not have guessed mint. I have heard chamomile tea is good for your digestion, do you know about that? How are you healing?

I no longer have an active ulcer but I have in the past. No tomatoes,

coconut, pepper, peppermint, oranges and other citrus, and eat every couple of hours (doesn't have to be more than half a banana at a time).I have my list somewhere- I'll try to dig it up.

thanks sweetie pie smileys/smile.gif we have a doctor and an "alternative" healer involved. the alternative

requested a number of blood tests and our MD was wonderful, aka - no ego to add them to his list.

I did buy some Cream of Rice thinking it would be gentle on the system. it was easier than the multi grain but still a bit much for now. he should do better in couple of weeks.

how is Abbey doing?

he ain't eaten nuttin honey! but, he is interested in juicing right now and wants to pull

out the Champion. excellent idea. thanks for the papaya sugestion, I forgot how excellent it is for the tummy and system.

he won't eat bananas but loves banana bread... go figure.

the only thing he has been taking is Ensure, water and raw goat's milk. the goat's milk is the one thing he has no reaction to and it's so healthy and healing.

that's interesting, I never would have thought there would be a problem with

coconut or mint. what does help digestion too is ginger and I have a wonderful herbal ginger tea. I'll see if he can tolerate that.

Ginger's great - so is organic nonfat plain yogurt with active acidophilus cultures (or mix

acidophilus powder into nonfat yogurt).
Mango is also good - it contains digestive enzymes, as does papaya, which was mentioned previously.

That's great to hear...

I sent you an email about Abby. She is doing better, but she is turning out to be an expensive "shelter" dog. smileys/smile.gif

Glad to see you back, Randi! Sending good karma to Don and you. By the way...

I made a wild mushroom ragout with your beauties and it was DELICIOUS!

Thank you again for your generous gift!

yogurt is the first thing he grabs when he thinks his system can handle it. I have mangos too smileys/smile.gif

Some people have problems with milk, too. Probably a good idea to try small amounts of

everything until he finds food that agree with his system.
Thinking good thoughts for both of you!

Randi, something to consider is the cause of the ulcer. If he is taking antibiotics, your choices

will also be dictated by that. I'm sure your doc and naturopath will guide you.

this all started thanksgiving, with an abcessed tooth and masked symptons, if ya can

believe that.... owwwieeeee!

anyway, he was on antibiotics back then. the blood work came back negative for the H. pylori. it's the old fashioned kind. still haven't decided if that's a good or bad thing.

whatever, I'm grateful that we now know what was wrong and it's fixable. there are others here having a rougher ride than us.
