Hi everyone! The changeover will occur shortly, or you can just go to Eat.at to see the new site...


Well-known member
You can post either here, or there, and it will show up on both sites (I'm posting this from Eat.at right now). Nothing will be lost. If you have any problems, please let us know!

I hope you like it. I only had a few days to work on it so it's not as complete and polished as I would have liked, but even so, I think it's a big improvement over what we have now! Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions for improvement.

Enjoy and welcome to your new home. :eek:)


OH...please someone suggest a better tagline than the one I came up with! Thanks. lol

Here viewing from Eat.at and love that we kept the same format. Mimi, you're the BEST! Kudos to you

and I hope you never tire of hearing how much we appreciate all your efforts. Hope you get to kick back and enjoy the rest of the weekend and bask in the glow of a job well done.

How about "Enjoy eating at here!"

I've been peeking on your progress and I love the graphics and the new navigation. I will send out an announcement to all my contacts to come join in the fun.

Haha Joe you probably saw all my mistakes and disasters as they were in the making!

Does the login work yet? I logged in a few minutes ago, went back, and had to log in again even

though I had clicked "Remember me on this computer."

Cute! I like the watercolory sketchy look. Very fresh looking. What is your tagline? I

couldn't find it. I'll be making a donation soon, when I get my finaces straightened out a little better. Still unemployed - this is getting old. But I can certainly help a friend :eek:)

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Thanks. :eek:)

The tagline is "the food, friends & fun forum" which I came up with on the spur of the moment because I needed SOME text and couldn't think of anything. I trusted you guys to come up with something more creative than that later. ;o) lol

The cookies are enabled, and I have Mozilla. Have never had a problem with this site - only

on the new one.

I gotta say, I really REALLY have an issue with the huge heading. I have a very big moniotor screen

and the header with "EAT.AT" takes up a full one third of the top of my screen. Isn't there any way to make this smaller? Or at least to minimize it once you click on one of the links??

Otherwise... good job Mimi smileys/smile.gif

It takes up 80 percent of my screen. Smaller would be appreciated.

PS: Mine is a laptop, maybe that's why. I don't have a desktop computer anymore.

Great job! Does the tag need to be keywords? Or would something like Eat.at...

our table with family and friends.

Should it be keywords?

This is so wonderful you've done all this for us...thank you just doesn't seem like big enough words to convey how awesome it is.

Thank you Mimi, for being such a huge part of creating our neighborhood and wonderful family way of life. We couldn't have done it without you.

Not a huge issue for me

The header image is a tad big, but I am not finding this to be an issue. I'm on a laptop running 1280x1024 and one tap of the PgDn key gets me past that.

I think it's one of those changes that we'll quickly get used to smileys/smile.gif

Just my 2 devalued cents. Your mileage may vary smileys/smile.gif
