Holiday Hits. What was a hit and what was a miss?? more

Barbara I can relate. It's often like that with DH and in-laws

and my kids! If my mother-in-law didn't make it when they were growing up, it's too weird and they won't eat it. My Mom and Dad are the only ones who appreciate it. So disappointing!

Well on this note, the witch in me came out....

probably shouldn't admit this but I couldn't stand the idea of my oldest stepson ruining my perfect prime rib with ketchup so a few days before Christmas when I used what was almost the last of the ketchup, I threw the bottle away. Sure enough, he got up and looked and there was none in the fridge.

Missy to the Prime Rib's rescue!!!!!!

I really wonder at adults who would make comments like this is too gourmet. It's just more adult

language for a rudeness we wouldn't accept from our children when they say "Eew, I'm not gonna eat this stuff!"

Hi Barb, I've had this happen many times with a certain branch of my family tree....

I finally gave in/up and fixed "regular" food after one time everyone raved more about the pre-made Costco food I served than any other meal I'd prepared for them smileys/frown.gif
- because it tasted familiar to them.

I now save the "good" stuff for others who appreciate it! smileys/wink.gif

I've even had a friend tell me my cookies are too gourmet. COOKIES??!?>>

I was gonna bake her some cookies, and told her I had all these doughs in the freezer (lime meltaways, cinnamon shortbread, etc) and she said "Don't you have just regular ones - like Nestle's Toll House?? Those are too gourmet."

HA! It's okay, we have the kind of relationship where we can say pretty much anything to each other. She grumbles about my cookies, and I don't give her a choice, and bake them anyway!

Oh well. smileys/smile.gif

LOL! but what I did was use that last bit to polish the COPPER!!! It works a treat and well!! the

Copper DID need a good polish.

Oh Lisa, you know my in-laws! They definitely would have prefered...

Costco to what I made them. Great suggestion for "regular" food--next time it will be regular food! Thank you.

Sandi, anytime someone complains that your cookies are too gourmet,

send the cookies my way. I would love some of your cookies!

Ya gotta remember that Christmas dinner is a time of very traditional food. . .

Try having a "gourmet" dinner on a night just before or after your big "traditional meal day". If you usually have the Christmas celebration dinner on Christmas Day and do a "fancy" meal on Chrismas Eve and vice-versa.

I suggest if you want to have something new in the traditional dinner, make it one or two things to be eaten along with the traditional things.

Alot of people are really rigid and habitual in what they will eat on a holiday (and other days too) so you must ease them into new stuff gradually.

It was rude of them to say the meal was too "gourmet" and this is a way of saying "Ewww, I don't eat that!" Of course you could always give the dishes super-exotic chinese-style names like "ducks in a lake" that would disguise what is in them and so you might get people to try stuff that they haven't or say they don't like. But I wouldn't bet on it. . .
