How do I handle this??? A friend my DH works with gave


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us a sample for the dish she plans on making for a business meeting later this month. She wanted our input on how it was. IMO my recipe for this dessert is much better, what do I do?? Her's wasn't bad, but I think they would like the one I use so much better. What to do???

Yeah, how good a friend... maybe you could say something like

"Oh, I've made that too... have you ever used (lemon juice) in it? Really brings out the flavor" or something that fits the situation.

Otherwise, I'd let it go. If they don't have yours to compare it with, they won't know hers isn't that good. Are you giving something for DH to take? Just don't make the same thing! ;o)

How about making YOUR recipe and sending it to her at work with your DH (with the recipe)?

OR suggest that you "just discovered" this amazing new dessert recipe and send it to her?

I agree with the second part of this. I wouldn't take kindly to how to make

something I put out there better, unless she asks Specificly, "Do you think I should add anything?"
Without a comparison, what do the guests know?

Since she asked for your input, tell her that you enjoyed hers, and send her your recipe

just in case she wants to try an alternative. Let her decide.

If she's really worried about the quality and she has the time, she'll check yours out. If she's just looking for some reassurance, her recipe is probably good enough.

Either way, you answered her request and gave her moral support.

And is she asking as a friend or foodie?

As a friend she might just be looking for support, as a foodie she may be looking for your experience.

The fact she did a dry run of the food makes me thinks she is a bit nervous about the dinner, but that could be just me as I never do a dry run.

After compliments first, if you think she would be open/wanting advise you might say you've made a crowd pleasing version of that dish before that's slightly different and you'd be happy to share if she is interested in comparing it to hers (or if you are saying it via email just include it), but of course she'd need to decide if it would pair well with the rest of her meal.

Otherwise I might just be supportive of her efforts.

Shhhhh! Steve doesn't like people to know he's a good guy.

I've extorted all kinds of jam from him by threatening to blow his cover. Don't mess up my arrangement!

DH has "meals" at business meetings? Lucky, I think we had quarter-sandwiches once at my old job!

Thanks everyone! I liked Steve's idea the best, but

neither DH or I will be at this meeting at a judge's house.
We have decided that tomorrow DH will report back to her that we liked her recipe very much. If she's interested in seeing the recipe I use, I'd be happy to give it to her. Just to compare, not saying mine is better.
