How does everyone store their recipes?

Thanks, everyone. This gives me several good options to think about.

I think next year will be the year for organizing all the recipes into some semblence of order.

Richard - you might want to check out the NYC that Marsha likes - it works in multiple languages,,,,

I downloaded the free trial pro version last night that works in I think 14 languages. Didn't play around with it much but believe it had all the features you want and maybe even more.

I use good old old-fashioned sheets of paper in binders. Easy to

look through in different places around the house or outside, no need to turn on the computer or hook up the printer just to cook dinner, still available if the computer dies or there's a power outage. You can easily write changes or notes on them. I print out recipes from various sources, and anything that isn't cooked within five years gets tossed. Also, it's easy to photocopy a recipe from a newspaper or magazine and stick it in the binder, rather than scan it or type it out.

(I don't have a cellphone either.)

The pictures import just fine, it's one of my favorite features.

You can view the recipe list with thumbnails. I try to resize my pictures just to save space but have forgotten on occasion and it's never been an issue.

I even have personal photos as the 'covers' for each of my cookbooks.

I do the exact same thing. I end up having to print out the recipes anyway, so...

I've been putting them in binders. I've made the binders attractive by using patterned scrapbooking papers so that they look nice on my kitchen bookshelf.

I might also add that now when I print out recipes to go into the binder, I use the largest font

that will allow the recipe to fit onto one page. It really makes it easier to read while cooking. Some of the uneccesary bits of the recipe are dropped down to an 8 point so that the important bits can hover around 17. H was worried about the memory going; but the steel trap is still clanking and the eyes that got it first.

to my surprise I just found out you can list your pantry ingredients and have NYC suggest menu ideas

I've used this for a few years now and just don't use or keep myself abreast of all the capabilities.

I just do a "save as text" and I'm done....

I have a folder called what else? Recipes. Within that I have sub folders such as Desserts (which may have further sub folders such as cookies). You don't need to create the folders up front - as needed will do.

Then when you see a recipe (or anything else) online you want to save just do a save as text and adjust what folder you want it to go into and your done. FYI, from the File menu (top left) use the pulldown menu and choose "save as" then select to save it as text instead of a webpage, put in a folder of choice and that's it. It takes seconds. It is saved as a text only (no pixs or formats) notepad version you can simply convert to MSWord later if you want. Easy-peasy.

And then -- just to show you how anal one can be...I copy all my recipes to a memory stick and carry all of them in my purse. This way if I need a recipe and I'm at work or someone else's house I can plug it in and look anything up. - Scary, huh?
