Thank you, but...
I am not really into that. I know some bloggers love getting review copies and one in particular who does almost exclusively that is Lisa, from Lisa is Cooking
there's nothing wrong with it, she does a fantastic job, but I rather review books on my own - and that applies to products too. I get emails from companies willing to send me samples in exchange for a "honest review" - and I always refuse
in my mind, and maybe I'm too much of a purist - once you get something, even if you write those "I got this book to review, I got this product to review, my opinions are my own" - I think it's hard to get a negative feedback, even if the product or book is not as good as you expected. I don't think I ever read a negative review on ANY blog once the blogger gets commissioned to do so.
when I review something it is totally free of ties to publishers, authors, companies.
I prefer to keep my blog this way - now, of course, I am not that popular and do not try to monetize my site, maybe if someone is trying to get some cash out of the blog, none of this applies.