I am in a bah humbug kind of mood. Canine related...

Have you tried boiled chicken and rice?

When Gomez has a bad tummy we always keep him on boiled chicken and rice for a few days, it also tastes very good to him, although the day this boy does not eat is the day I go racing to the emergency room, he is such a guts, even if he is puking, he is eating!

Try it, see if she'll eat it, here is the recipe:

chicken breasts
white or brown rice

boil the chicken breasts in the water until cooked. Use the stock to boil up some rice, well past the point where you would think it's done, make it mushy and soupy.

serve without garnish

hope she feels better and keep us posted...

Woo hoo!!! I think my big girl is on the mend...

my husband and I decided to force feed her yesterday. I thinned some of the hi-pro canned food the vet gave us with some water, and we gave her 2 tablespoons of food and water every two hours. So over the course of the day, she consumed the whole can. It was awful, she looked at us like we were torturing her. She would hide behind the couch. However, last night she came up and wanted some chicken I was taking off the bone. I gave her a little and she ate it. That was the first thing she has willingly eaten in about 4 days. She is begging for food today, and so far has kept down ground beef and rice cooked in chicken broth. I think she has made it over the hump. What a relief. Thank you all for your support and advice. I have no idea what was wrong with her, but it looks like she is out of the woods. Happy New Year everyone!!!

I'm so happy to hear she's doing well. Thank you for keeping us posted, she's been on my mind.
