Muesli (add random language accent marks somewhere)
1 cup old fashioned flat oats
Enough apple juice to moisten
Grated fresh apple
Wait a few minutes for oats to soften. You can actually do this the night before, but I'm never that predicable. Practice yodeling while pulling on lederhosen as you impatiently wait.
Top with dried whatever (I prefer cranberries, but who am I to tell you what desiccated fruit to put in your mouth) then top with a dollop of yogurt (yougurt if you're full-on Eurotrash.)
Add a drizzle of honey and a sprinkling of cinnamon. As you enjoy breakfast, either invest in anonymous banking organizations (Muesli) or plot ways to attempt world domination...again (Müesli).
1 cup old fashioned flat oats
Enough apple juice to moisten
Grated fresh apple
Wait a few minutes for oats to soften. You can actually do this the night before, but I'm never that predicable. Practice yodeling while pulling on lederhosen as you impatiently wait.
Top with dried whatever (I prefer cranberries, but who am I to tell you what desiccated fruit to put in your mouth) then top with a dollop of yogurt (yougurt if you're full-on Eurotrash.)
Add a drizzle of honey and a sprinkling of cinnamon. As you enjoy breakfast, either invest in anonymous banking organizations (Muesli) or plot ways to attempt world domination...again (Müesli).