I am Planning a Traditional Victorian English Christmas Feast...


Richard, sorry that it took me so long to reply! Not knowing what's in your wine store(s) there in terms of producers, years and prices, it's hard to recommend a wine. The 2009 Bordeaux from the east side of the river (the Left Bank) is drinking, in general, very nicely now - but there are always some that are still too tannic while others that are calming down and drinking nicely. For the Right Bank, we're talking here Blaye, Castillon, St Emilion, Lalande de Pomerol and the like. If your wine store(s) has a big tasting of their wines leading up to the holidays (very common here, maybe not there?), that would be a good opportunity to taste the wines yourself and make a decision for your lovely dinner. Or, you could ask for a recommendation from the wine store, buy a few wines as potential candidates, and do some tastings at home leading up to the holidays (that's always fun!).
Cheerio and enjoy, mon ami! Bonnie
