Things, so far, that I know I have problems eating...
Blood (Black) pudding/sausage. I've tried, really. I know it's supposed to be good for me. I cannot stand the metallic (to me) taste of blood. Dracula I'm not.
Spannferkl/Roast whole baby pig. The problem with this, is it's actually quite tasty, but having raised baby pigs on a farm as a teenager, and played with them like puppies, I just cannot do this one.
Chicken/Duck Feet (claws and flaps): What is the point?
Tripe: Another one I've tried many times. Mexican Menudo, French tripe accordions stuffed into casings and called saucisse, that unfold out of the casing when you cut into them to fill your plate and needing to eat it because one is hungry, a poor student, and getting on a train for 12 hours with no food.
Catfish: Blech, blech, retch. I want to hurl even thinking about the taste of it.
So, I am a quite easy person to feed when I'm invited to dinner. I eat/try anything except the above.