I got questions...do you have answers?

Have you ever tried Diamond & Morton's Kosher salt side by side? Very different in salinity.

Marilyn, I like the taste of Kosher salt better. If you're worried about it not melting,

buzz it in a mini cuisinart...like making superfine sugar at home.

Cook lthe macaroni first until about half cooked. Cool and toss with a little olive oil. THEN put it

in your casserole dish and pour all that yummy stuff over it. It won't soak into the macaroni so much and will stay moister.

I've had the same problem. Diamond Crystals has a 17.6 oz fine kosher salt in a round cannister .

That solves the problem for me.

I've only had the opportunity to try them together once, and made a mental note. I like the one in

the red box. smileys/smile.gif

I agree Michael, except for boiling pasta. If you boil pasta with the

minimum required amount of salt (or a dash of sea salt), you'll end up using much less salt than adding more to taste afterwards as the salt permeates the pasta when boiled.

I'm glad I've been using kosher salt for a few years now for just about everything unless a recipe calls for regular.

If I sprinkle kosher salt on eggs, beef, pork, poultry, fish, etc., it spreads out much better and is very flavorful and am using much less salt than the regular kind in the long run.

Sorry, can't help... I enjoy it out of the box. Must be store brand vs. Kraft. dh finds this

very funny as he considers me a good kitchen chef, but every once in a while a good boxed M&C calls for me..

I don't think it will ever be as cheap as a crock pot, I suspect demand will drive the price down.

Interesting, Do you know if one or the other is favored by cookbook writers? I'm always afraid I'm

not making my brine for the corned beef salty enough to be safe for 10-12 days if Bruce Aidells used Mortons rather than my favorite Diamond Crystals.

Most professionals use Diamond. But there are a lot of differences from brand to brand.....

Diamond Crystal Kosher salt for instance has 280 mg per 1/4 teaspoon while Morton Kosher salt has 480 mg.

BUT 1/4 teaspoon of Diamond Crystal only weighs 0.7g while Morton Kosher salt weighs 1.2g

Both Diamond Crystal and Morton iodized table salts weigh 1.5g and have 590 mg of sodium.

So if you are substituting, you can see how the differences add up.

And it's the light, thin flakes of Diamond that chefs prefer over the coarser, heavier pieces of Morton Kosher salt. So the Diamond Kosher salt is a nice finishing touch as it is there for a little texture but melts on the tongue quickly not leaving a grittiness to the food. And it also dissolves better in dishes that aren't being cooked for long periods of time.
