I had the most wonderful time Sunday evening...

I missed Gomez??? Awww, there *must* be a next time.

My house - we'll sit around and drink wine while Steve cooks.

Yes, I like that idea!

I knew Gomez Adams . . . . you're no Gomez Adams.

Really, I DID know John Astin,the first Gomez. We did a couple of shows together and he is an absolutely great guy. Oh, and the word is "Querida". It's espanol for those of you who only speak Frenchy. Gomez, see. Spanish?

Okay, guess I'm busted. That's NOT me, it's Rolph, the Federal Marshal who STANDS IN for me > > >

whenever the cameras come out.

I'm sure most of you know, sometimes it's just not practical to "take out" every squint with a camera. Sure the first couple can be quietly planted in a landfill but really, after the fourth or fifth stringer disappears, people start to ask questions.

Having the stand-in seems to solve the problem and it comes in SO handy at Bar Mitzvahs and Weddings.

Guess we can't put anything over on you folks. I'll let Rolph and the guys know.
