I have 34 eggs I need to use. Blame it on senior moments.


Well-known member
I remember thinking "I think I only have four left-need to buy some". I did-eighteen a few days ago and another dozen today because I forgot about the eighteen. OOPS....Ideas? Didn't we have a thread on this before?

Frittatas, custards for the yolks & meringue/macaroons/angel food cake for the whites, NY Cheesecake

If it were me, I would use it as an excuse to try pickled eggs. There are alot of fun recipes

on the net. The idea of a pickled egg puts a smile on my face! So silly : )
Let me know if you make them.


Make lots of jarred lemon curd and new egg recipes every few days. Use

the egg whites from the lemon curd to make healthy omelettes with low-fat cheese/mushrooms, etc.

I grew up with British-made lemon curd and haven't had it in years. Oh do I love it!

You could make some jars of lemon curd for Christmas gifts with some nice tartan ribbon or material to wrap around the jar lid. You could also slap on some pretty custom-made labels.

Your mission is so eggsciting! LOL


Meryl.... we all know you and I are eggcentric. It's okay to come out and

eggspress ourselves in times of need.

I just know you have some MORE recipes up your sleeve!

This is our opportunity to eggsploit ourselves again!

Live from the Eggstraterrestrial Ballroom in NYC! It


Please join us in the fun and eggcentric antics that are dear to our heart!

Tonight's burning question:

"What to do with 34 eggs"

Egg Curry. Boil eggs, peel and add ....

to curry. I use the same recipe I would add shrimp to. A tomato based curry is excellent too. Oh yum

Oh, thanks for the wonderful suggestions everybody.

I think lemon curd for presents for my broke self sounds like a great idea. Already had plans for a gruyere/spinach quiche. Anyone remember "Eggs a la Goldenrod" from the old Betty Crocker cookbooks? White sauce with hardboiled eggs over toast with sieved yolks on top. I was fascinated with this dish when I was a kid and made it. but don't really remember it. That sounds like a good plan with some good bread, maybe with some curry added to it. As far as the pound cake, do any of you think you already have the "Ne Plus Ultra" version? I adore the "Million Dollar Pound Cake" recipe and although I have made the truer ones with even more eggs I never find one I love quite as much.
