I have a question regarding chipotle in adobo. I live in a region with a scarce supply

Westerners travel to Arizona & Mexico, Easterners travel to Florida & Caribbean.

I have always suspected that this is why we get next to nothing here.

My parents had a home in Phoenix and on the morning of my departure, the produce man would have ordered a big box of poblanos for me to take back. I'd take down homemade desserts for my parents and bring back cartons of Mex food.

Toronto is just one huge ethnic city. But just so short on the Mexican fare.

this is so interesting. I thought mex food items were plentiful all over. Tamale wrappers:

Our big grocery store has letter paper size sheets of parchment paper in a package labeled as tamale wrappers. I bet you could cut regular parchment to whatever size and use that to make tamales. Not at all the same as using the real husks, but in a pinch it would work. I bought them to use on cookie sheets---cheaper than the rolls of parchment. But I found that they were not as non-stick as regular parchment, but pretty good.

I freeze individual chiles on a baking sheet and store airtight...then I can add just one to recipes
