I have been following this threat over at the other place. . .

Seems like NOTHING CHANGES OVER AT EPI ~ IN FACT IT'S WORSE AND no one really is on it:

skemarie is just as bad as gretchen ~ no doubt about it ~ and we have all wondered if they were one and the same because the verbiage, attack, quick to anger, superiority complex, and the ego to be #1 correct is uncanny.

I remember once when skemarie said "pardon me, I'm half Jewish and I must be showing it"

I came on and told her "no one can be half a religion and let me tell you ~ she was nicer to goatsucker than me and skemarie is equal in her viciousness.

Just makes me happy I am no longer apart of that angry situation ~ I like the mellowness at FK

The most current posts are a riot ~ such histrionics and what a drama queen here I'll post it

This is from skyemarie (she lives in Tucson AZ and she is a minimal of 2 hours from the boarder)

I will drown my ignorance
Posted: Aug 14, 2008 1:12 AM

I will go outside and pull the rose bush branches out and whip myself. Then I will pour salt on my body, then I will dip into a honey pot and stake myself out in the afternoon sun and wait for the ants. I will then start the kiva and put the spit on, start hacking off body parts that are left and roast them, and if you give me your addresses, I will mail you a dinner called..


Oh for cripes sakes! How disgusting people are about the differences of others!

I am me. You are you..

What do you want? Death by "Yeah, they are right and I am an ignorant putz?"

Okay.. read the top paragraph. It will make you feel like a million bucks. You will get to read where I will torture myself for your intelligence and correctness.

You are so right.

And.. I would bet the bakery that you will take this another level and go on and on and on and on and on...

So.. I won't be back to read it.. I HAVE a full and happy life.

I suggest you consider your umbrage and GET A HAPPY FULL LIFE instead of what you have!

Can you believe this?!!! It's a riot!!!
ALL THIS DRAMA BECAUSE SOMEONE ACTUALLY HAD THE NERVE TO CORRECT HER ~ does her aggressive behavior and antics ring a bell?

I don't think it's retchen, retchen wouldn't fall apart like this...

And she is much more intelligent!

Hee hee hee hee!

Reminds me of some other exchanges between ANON s and lurkers who would pop up and scream. Let's

hope they don't find us........

Parts of this thread really upset me. I don't know why it's necessary to disparage Gretchen when she

had nothing to do with the epi thread. Maybe we could leave specific names out of these threads. There's an old saying "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones". If we sink to their level we're just as bad as they are.

Sorry if I've upset anyone by MY post.

mistral, thx for the reference to this epi posting--I read the whole thing from top to bottom, and

it sure makes me GLAD that the FK recipe forum exists!

'tuesdaysgone's final reply to 'skyemarie' tugged at my heartstrings.

Hilarious! BUt what I want to know is - why is the right side cut off? I have to cut and paste...

I have to cut and paste to Word, to read it properly! I hate that format!!!

Thank you again, Mimi smileys/smile.gif

Why so defensive about Gretchen...?

When she came in here under another name she was summarily run out of town?

I'm not sure where she as been disparaged anyway? Her style of postingw as brought to attention, and I said she would be much more intellingent than those posts?

Sandra, from my viewpoint, I don't think it was disparaging, but I don't like

seeing names attached to posts when that they haven't entered into the conversation.

When I went to Epi and read that thread, I just felt sad---for the loss of a great site and for the tension that was growing between the posters.
