I have been following this threat over at the other place. . .

Ya know, in light of this nastiness at Epi, I was wondering if it might be prudent...

...for us to establish a simple email list for future reference.

As thankful as we all are to FK and Mimi for their heroic efforts to give us a home to gather at, I also know that nothing is forever.

We have lost so many awesome swapizens in the transition from the old place to here, that I would hate to see it happen again!

Maybe Mimi could keep a running list of email addresses? I would also be happy to do so, and would protect it like a lion protects it's cubs. What ever shape it takes, I think it would be a good idea to protect ourselves from possible calamity.

Just a thought.


Michael what a thoughtful outlook on keeping us together ~ I would be happy to participate and I

strongly believe you when you say you would protect our email addresses, that I have no doubt.

I hope others join in on this idea, and at least lets discuss the possibility of doing this and if others have concerns about their email addresses, lets find an alternative to bring your idea to fruition.

Sounds great and POSITIVE to me.

Thank you, Michael for offering to do such a monumental task, I appreciate it very much.

I too agree Mimi is one of a kind and her efforts have brought many people together in such a positive and comforting way that truly Mimi is a blessed person!!!!


Oh, My! I just read all the current posts. . .

I think skyemaire is really losing it.

Made me laugh though!

I do have access to everyone's email addresses, however...

I would never give them out to anyone without the address owner's express permission. I have absolutely *NO* problem keeping an opt-in "in case this place ever implodes" e-mail list. It's a great idea! But each individual would need to opt-in.

You saved us once, Mimi. I would be comfortable opting in to have you be...

...the keeper of the list of email addys.

Maybe those of us who would like to be on the fail safe list could send you a PM. "Yes I would like to be part of an email migration should this place go down".


I'm in too, and I think us sending you a PM is the way to go about it. I'm so thankful that you

made this forum possible for us and if you need help organizing this "project?", I'd be happy to help in any way.
