I received an email from the gas co. this morning.-----They want to know...

On the bright side...

You could be glad that your gas meter is not installed in the ceiling at the end of your front hallway, as it is in our new apartment*. smileys/wink.gif When we moved in, I said, "WHAT is THAT?!" I really want to hang a lampshade or something on it. Decidedly ugly, and the ConEd meter-reader is going to need his/her own ladder.

*Renovated, pre-war--hence the wacky location of the gas meter, I guess.

Lol. Where are they usually located or is it random? In Texas, it's common to put water heaters

and a/c units in the attic. I can't imagine why anyone thought that was a good idea, especially the water heaters which have a tendency to spring leaks unexpectedly.

In NJ our water heater was next to the furnace---same here--the gas meter is outside & next to the


But I do love the look of those old apartments in the city.

Erin--does your elevator open into the apartment?

Charlie, to answer your question, no, there are four apts. on each floor.

In my next life...the kind where the elevator opens right into the apartment. smileys/wink.gif

Charlie, my 50 odd year old gas meter died a couple of years ago

I kind of wondered for a couple of months why my bill was low, then finally got some cold weather & it didn't budge. That finally got their attention, and I got a letter, although not vaguely accusatory like yours. They made an appt., then came out, tested, and replaced the meter. They do insist on coming in to relight your appliances. I had to sign a waiver because there wasn't a pad around where the flex-line exited the furnace. Be prepared to hear about things that are no longer up to code...

Bet you they're going to want to sell you on switching to a smart meter. Don't do it!

My mom did because they have her $$$ off her bill. Then at the peak if the summer heat when everyone is using their a/c they sent her a letter saying her use was too high and they were going to throttle her electricity, which they can do thanks to the smart meter. She had to get a letter from hospice to say that they needed to use the electricity to care for my stepdad who is at home in hospice, and they backed off. Talk about big brother. Very upsetting. They have a small house, who are pg&e to say one house uses too much?
