I was at tea yesterday, and we were discussing things that remind us of spring

Ah yes, peonies! I forgot them. Add them to my list too! Mine are covered in buds...

and will be opening here in the next week or two.

My great grandmother's garden had lilacs, peonies, lilies, roses, and hollyhocks in profusion. Everything else was pots of petunias and geraniums (which have their own unique scents as well).

pussy willows. that's the first thing to wake up, through the snow even. we cheer when we see the

first fuzzies. then we break out the allergy meds.

In southern California? Hmmmm...I guess there ARE a few more gulls than usual smileys/smile.gif

Though I wouldn't classify then as songbirds

Snowdrops and narcisses. Funny how some of you mentions peonies - we get them here in June!
