If you’d like to contribute to a group gift for PatBastrop PayPal details inside…

I called the PO & FedEx - FedEx won't deliver; so need to send USPS

FedEx won't deliver to PO boxes (even in this case, due to fire) they would hold it at their location (Austin) for her to pick-up so that's a no go for me. I expect it's the same for UPS, which I think Amazon uses.

USPS will be best way to ship.

Is anyone else seeing question marks instead of apostrophes, etc?. This is what I'm seeing:

If you�d like to contribute to a group gift for PatBastrop PayPal details inside�

Deb, don't think I have your email -- are you in the Y! grp? If so under what name?

Also you can email Marianne at the above address she posted, she has it and can give it to you.

Weirdness is when I open the ones I posted I'm seeing them fine

so I wanted to double check one that someone else sees as wonky. (I am seeing the first post in this thread I started all wonked out though.)
