I'm on the committee for a veterans party next month. Have to make refreshments for about 50.


Well-known member
I can't do intricately iced cookies because of a benign problem where I sometimes have hand tremors. I was told to do something with a patriotic theme. No plates or forks so I can't do cake.

I'm at a loss!

You make the cookies and have someone else on your committee do the decorating?

Finger sandwiches with flag toothpicks? or anything you can stick a flag in!! LOL
Fruit--red, white and blue served with toothpicks--strawberries, honeydew, and blueberries.

An video tutorial on making straight lines w/ royal icing (very short)

I have a slight tremor in my hand, sometimes barely noticeable and sometimes more so and this tutorial helped me conquer (for the most part -not always) straight lines. Cyn, - this may not apply to you (your tremor may be better/worse than mine) but I thought it was a good info for anyone who decorates cookies.

cupcakes with the flags--hung up on the flags!! You might even be able to get

a cake decorating decal to put on top of the icin

Even cupcakes made in a paper baking cup with flags or red white and blue.

How about cupcakes - you could do a white cake with a red marble/swirl, with

white icing and blue sprinkles.

Cupcakes w r/w/b sprinkles or icing you stripe a piping bag with rw&b icing...

I've done dessert pizza with strawberries and blue berries for 4th of July.

M&M cookies w red white blue M&Ms. You can get single colors at the party store.

Apple pie tassies topped with flag picks.

cheezz has made many more than me by now. She has a brilliant idea of baking a box cake, then

putting a grid cooling rack over a big bowl, put the baked cake on it and press. This crumbles up the cake perfectly to blend in the icing.

The nice thing is the icing keeps them moist & the chocolate coating seals so you can make them in advance. It's always nice NOT to have to rush right before an event.


And make 'em with real butter AND . . .

Double the amount of butter. Olde recipes I have seen call for 4 tblsp. Of course the larger amount is much, much better. And use salted butter!

Of course, I just looked up the recipe on the official Rice Krispie site and they call for 3 tblsp.

In any case, I recommend at LEAST 3 tblsp butter (but personally would use 4, and I have found recipes out there for "Rice Krispie Treats" with other stuff in it calling for 1 stick--8 tblsp--butter!)
