Lisa, I sadly, would have to say that my kids, would probably say that they do not eat as a family.
(At least not "regularly" ). dh and I have discussed this many times. I do serve a home made dinner every night, but their schedules are so crazy, that one eats at 5:00; one eats at 6:00 and dh comes home from the city, gets home around 7:20. Life is so different from when dh and I grew up, eating around the table, together at 6:00. Just doesn't happen, despite my efforts.
I do however, have 1:1 time, individually with both children at breakfast, which I cherish.
And I have family dinner, with my parents and in-laws, siblings and cousins every 5 weeks... I host, otherwise, just would not happen. I make it easy, no pressure, if someone can come, great, if not....catch you next month!
I hear what you are saying re: missing family table time, and admire if you are able to do it. I miss it, as that was how I grew up......