In honor of Earth Day, I am no longer buying M&Ms in anything less than a


Well-known member
5-lb bag, to save paper! ;o) 'Wish I could take credit for this one, but I heard it this morning on tv. Lets all do our part today and everyday! It's the only home we've got.

I so miss old-fashioned dime store candy counters where they scooped, weighed it and poured

from the scale in to a paper bag.

I guess I'm somewhere in the middle with "penny candy" - towards the

end of my childhood they upped it to 2-cent candy (and I also remember when typewriters had a CENT key!).

Yes, and the M&Ms they had at the Ben Franklin where I grew up

were not the Mars M&Ms, and they had the most amazing taste. I absolutely loved them. M&Ms pale in comparison. Anyone know anything about an "alternative" M&M maker back in the 60's and if they're still made? I was always thrilled when my grandmother pulled the little Ben Franklin candy bag out of her big saddle bag of a purse, because I knew they were M&Ms, and that they were for me!

Speaking of Earth Day, saw this at CI board posted by one of the other members....

Free roll of Reynolds Wrap 100% recycled aluminum. Just go to site and sign up and print coupon.

Hershey's, Hershey's! Yes, I just remembered them when I read your

post. They were much more chocolately, weren't they!

Sounds like Mars bought out the

Mars bought out Murrie's (hence the name M&M) interest, so maybe Mars changed the recipe for the candy. I might not have understood it correctly because the article says he took them over in 1948 and I'm not that old! - I think I need chocolate. lol

The "rival" (Hershey's original?) M&M's were flatter and had a more intense chocolate, didn't they?

All you wanted to know about M&Ms is at the link below.

Richard, are you thinking about Jots? When my Mom worked at Ben Franklin

we would stop after school and get a nickle's worth of the bulk candy. I think most of it was made by Brach's but I'm not sure Jots were. My favorite was only available around Easter: Brach's Fiesta Malted Milk Eggs. The malted milk egg was covered with Brach's milk chocolate and then a white candy shell with pastel speckels.

The malted milk easter eggs were my favorite too. I think Brach's had a version

of M&M's too. All the candy at my Ben Franklin's was Brach.

The Ben Franklin memories...

and remember all of the halloween candy? the sweet wax lips and whistles, skulls filled with colored sugar water, etc. All just sitting out in bins for everyone to touch and handle before it was purchased. How did we all survive?


wow, do you guys realize you went from saving the earth to eating candy in just two posts?

no wonder the planet is in trouble!

LOL and ducking "-)))

How did we all survive? By eating all those germy sweet wax lips and whistles, skulls.

Reduce all the sanitized over wrapping and increase the kids immunity to illness we took for granted. Just part of growing up in the great outdoors.
