In honor of Earth Day, I am no longer buying M&Ms in anything less than a

I would need several cordials, and a plane trip for that little task. the jet fuel would negate

any "green" benefit of the polar bear hug I'm afraid.

having inhaled a bottle of bubbly on my b'day, I can honestly say,

I don't recommend it! '-D

shoulda been "and an"

Aha, named after Sir Henry Havelock, a hero of the Indian mutiny campaign, wonder if my family knew

of this personage or if there were other famous Havelock's out there.... One never knows! thanks for the link Nic! Looks like a pretty place to be...

Heather lives just north of me... maybe we'll surprise you and come visit some day smileys/smile.gif

Road trip cheezz! er, well, you know what I mean....

I would love to go to New Zealand, the Lord of the Ring movies just make me want to sell everything and get there in a hurry!

Don't need to sell up!

With the strength of the US$ vs NZ$, you don't need to sell much to get here smileys/smile.gif

Joe, you tell the absolute BEST stories! I've enjoyed another great one today. Thx! The best

part of your stories are that they are YOURS and not MINE. lol! wigs

How is everything proceeding now? Hopefully better and hopefully

you don't have to get the health department involved...yuck!!!

Oh Dawn, Wigs, and Ang, I DO have to get the health department involved. I have turned over ALL food

to Chef Paul, my rival at the garden and a "real" (legal) caterer (with an inspectable kitchen). He's actually a great guy but so long to my fantasy falaffel menu and crepe station. He may be restricted to cold food, since we have no real facilities, just port-a-potties and portable hand-washing.

(It's easy to pooh-pooh regulations until you read how important hand washing is these days--i.e. to the prevention of Swine flu. That's how I'm consoling myself anyway.)

So, here is how things are proceeding:

Permit application fee: $175
Permit fee (if accepted): 125

Total city fees: 300

Not too bad, but our insurance company wants an extra $200 because we are inviting in "outsiders" (neighbors) and are using an adjacent city lot for parking. We're only doing that because we don't want the "outsiders" (neighbors) to be inconvenienced by extra cars in their overly congested streets. No good deed goes unpunished. So, the grand total:

$500.00, before we buy a thing.

That's twenty-five $20 memberships. Anyone want to join Long Beach Organic? You get a quarterly newsletter, with recipes by Yours Truly, and discounts on T-Shirts!!! (Never mind that my recipes are always already here for free on FK, LOL.)

The whole point of this event is visibiliy--showing off our flagship garden and hoping to build momentum for other gardens in vacant lots around the city. That's my argument for going legit, anyway.

I haven't told the board about the $200 insurance fee yet. You all are the FIRST to know. I suppose they'll grumble for weeks, then when the event is a success, give me a free T-shirt.

Meanwhile, there is a huge rift brewing between purists who want organic cotton T-shirts, an admirable goal, and realists who want the T-shirts done on time, also an admirable goal. I'm abdicat--, er, um delegating, and if there are no T-shirts June 21, it is NOT MY FAULT!!

I swallowed my pride on Friday and, with the help of our president Spencer, gloves and long-handled tools, added the offending kitchen gunk to our compost. PEEEEEE-UUUUUUU!!

Thanks for asking! More stories to follow, I'm sure.
