Introducing my new creation - Blend de Provence!!

Sandy, I have been in your same bind before, many times as a FM vendor.

Contact your local churches and Lions Clubs, that sort of thing. They have commercial kitchens that they will rent out. You can make your product in their commercial kitchens and then sell it online, Farmer's Market, etc. I have dealt with this situation for over a decade. There are places that will rent out their kitchens. It just takes a lot of calling and schmoozing. I was able to do it in San Diego, and I was able to do it here. Don't give up. Try and find a kitchen and get your health permit. Then you can sell anywhere you like. If you get a bar code (which I have not done yet because of the cost) you can sell online; Amazon, small stores, etc. You are just at step 1. You have a good product, you just need to take baby steps. If you need any help, you can email me. Good luck and don't give up!

Great advice Dawn...

I've been through the commercial kitchen search back in Philly and finally found one but the deal fell through. I also must have called a billion churches and lodges, etc.

I might even be able to bottle at home if the local authorities permit and yes, get a food license. I'll contact them via email soon.

You're right about baby steps. I'm planning to go to local business parks with a 8" x 8" aluminum cake pan (with clear lid and my round label on top) filled with scissored Italian bread drizzled in olive oil and my blend sprinkled in for a free taste. $2.00 for three cake pans at the dollar store - lol. I'm also hoping to be permitted to advertise in my apartment complex such as a flyer in the club house. I can also see if I can market my blend at the farmer's markets when the weather cools.

Thanks for telling me not to give up. I'll be in touch with you via email to give you updates and/or get some more advice.

Thanks again!

I just thought of something. You might approach

a vendor at the Farmer's Market and see if they would be willing to sell it for you, with a slight amount going to them. At our market we are allowed to sell 20% product that is not our own. You might offer to help out for free if they sell your product or work something out with them. Make up samples using their product, bread, produce what have you, and hand them out. It would help boost their sales and yours. Just a thought.

Dawn, that's an ingenious idea!! Would you believe...

I contacted a regional farmer's market that's open all year to inquire if they would be interested in my Cottage Foods blend last night via email. I also inquired about requirements/cost, etc. Well, I saw on their website that there was an Italian oil vendor and a bread vendor at the market.

It's certainly worth a shot.

Thanks very much Dawn!!

You might talk to the bread vendor about using their kitchen.

It must be a commercial kitchen and you wouldn't need to use their equipment, just a table where you can package your blend. It is not a product that poses a health risk since it is a non-hazardous product, so there isn't really a insurance liability. It would boos their product at the same time as promoting yours. Good luck!!!

That's another great idea Dawn.

Geez, what harm could I really do in a commercial kitchen? Tip over one of my shaker bottles? Lol It certainly couldn't be that expensive to rent either. Yep, their bread in oil, and my seasoning blend is a perfect marriage.

Thanks again!
