Is anyone else completely repulsed by the fishy smell of heating canola oil? I'm at the point

there is a growing seedbank movement

on the positive side. And when people first experience heirloom produce it is like a great awakening... This includes professionals in the restaurant industry. But yes I agree and it is complicated and very political.

I've switched to Rice Bran's why...

Higher smoking point, so it's safer for dishes you need to get really hot...frying is a breeze and virtually odor free...
Healthy, much like olive oil in composition...
Better likelihood of being GMO free. Especially if you seek out the more organic products.

Yes, there are cons. Darn it! It's not mainstream yet. I found it through a cooking site, then acquired it via After a few gallons, I saw it available at my local restaurant supply store. I'm as pleased with this brand as that which I mail ordered. That also reduces the cost by $10-$15 (shipping). I've seen the oil as high as $45 per gallon (as an equine food supplement) and as low as $12-$14.

Back to's great in recipes. It doesn't have aroma or flavor to compete with the star of the show. It combines very nicely with butter to give you a great buttery taste without the overdose of saturated fat.

I have never liked canola, but since the chip manufacturers started using sunflower oil

I can't find sunflower oil anywhere any more, so I'm reduced to canola. I grew up with sunflower oil, which accounts for my preference, but as far as I recall, it has similar health benefits to olive oil, with a less pronounced flavor and a high smoke point that makes it good for frying.

My mom used it too but that was the prairies. Not so common here. I 'm going to use more grapeseed,

although I prefer peanut for frying because of the smoking point. I like grapeseed because of the very neutral flavour and use it also to cut olive oils in vinaigrette.

And I'm going to pass my last bottle of canola on to a friend who can't smell.


Nothing against Canada

But Canada Oil Low Acid does not come into this house, and I actively avoid anything which has it in the ingredients list.

I even choose Gomez's dog food so that it does not include Canola....

And yes, I have smelled that fishy smell as well (eurgh)

I just saw a bunch of Sunflower Oil at Sunflower aka Sprouts mkt if you have one near you

I think I've seen it at TJ's too, but things come/go there so often...
