Is China really into our food to this extent?

Now, does that mean that the product inside the can is from CA too? or is it the packaged item came

from there.

One jar is Santa Barbara olives and are processed in CA and packagaed

the Enchilada sauce was Hatch, grown in another western state and probably packaged in CA.....but I cannot say for sure since I am just beginning to learn about all of this. Right now it is complicated.

No. My insight into mexican-grown produce is from the regional produce manager of a local...

...supermarket here in Phoenix.

He said he would never serve his family any produce grown on the ground in mexico. They irrigate their fields with questionable water. Sometimes it is untreated effluence.

Melons, squash, strawberries, and any root vegetables would be off his list.

If it hangs from a tree or a vine, it is probably alright.


PS: Sorry if this post is not politically correct. I believe it is accurate, and my source is...

...a reliable one. To the person who sent me the anonymous email, I would say that I have only scratched the surface on this subject, and I was very conservative in how I presented what I know on this forum.

