ISO: ISO a side dish to serve with Thai food....

In Search Of:
Just made this... it tastes awesome! However, ISO help...

It's a really loose mixture. I'd like it to be more of coconut and cashew clusters. How would I do that? Add more honey? (Adding more heat and salt to compensate for the sweetness?) Or is there another method for making clusters?

Maybe one of our candy makers can help, but

If you don't get an answer, this looks neat in the paper cones. Just stand the cones in a container so people can pick up individual cones and walk around with them.

REC. I just whipped up Coconut Ice Cream with Mango Slices (very Semi-home made)

Hey Everyone,

For a simple dessert I softed a carton of Edie's Vannila Ice Cream and beat in 1 1/2 tsp of coconut extract and 1/2 cup of unsweetened shredded coconut. Yummy, Yum, Yum.

I have a can of Mango slices in the fridge that I'm drain and probably rinse to put around the scoops of ice cream. I think I'll also toast up some more coconut in a dry fry pan until brown to sprinkle on top as garnish.
I'll let you all know how it is recieved.

Thanks for all your advice. Keep these recipes comin' I'm on a Thai binge now.

