ISO: ISO an ingredient...

In Search Of:


Well-known member
I ordered this product (CERRADO GOIANO Pimienta Malagueta) from Amigo Foods about a year ago...and they've been out of stock ever since. I figured another brand would do as well...not so. I've gotten 2 more bottles that I don't care for in the least by comparison. I'm getting desperate! These are peppers pickled in vinegar, and I've added vinegar to my wee little bottle until I've just about dissolved everything that was left of the peppers. I can't explain the flavor, nor the difference, other than the bouquet and flavors just don't match up to the Cerrado Goiano product. I had a 70 gr. bottle, but I'm game for larger!! Or I'm game for several bottles...I'm just not ready to buy a whole case (though I'd give that consideration under the circumstances!)... I've searched high and low... The one place I found the product, I couldn't ever figure out what their "minimum" order is. Arrrgh!! I love this stuff, and it works in almost everything... If you just happen so run across some...please let me know!! cantbelieveweate AT gmail DOT com... Please.....!!

Glennis, I know what you are talking about...

But I've never tasted Cerrado Goiano Pimienta Malagueta. Sometimes there just is no substituition. I will keep a look out for it!

I'd gladly send either of the other 2 jars so you could get the idea...

There's something fruity and hot about this particular brand. A few drops is such an enhancement!! Not like Crystal Pepper sauce (though a similar product), not like Tabasco either. Straight from the bottle it's got major zing, but it mellows and leaves just the most addicting flavor layer.

Thanks for looking!!

Tell you what I'm gonna do: I'll see if I can contact the company and have them...

...send me a half-dozen samples for my food business. If I'm successful, I'll get them to you (maybe minus one bottle for my trouble ;>).

I'll let you know what I find out.


Traca, I broker closeout foods and merchandise. I liquidate inventories...

...for insurance companies who pay claims on business losses, among other things.


Wow! Fascinating. Curious to know

I don't get how insurance companies are involved. They insure the inventory and then get stuck with it when the company goes out of business? I used to work in retail and would occasionally work GOB sales. (Major chain company--300+ stores. When we could piggyback on a GOB and send odd lot inventory to them before the deadline, we would.)

This is the company I couldn't figure out the...

minimum order for. 10 bottles worked to get an order! I'm in Califoria, so shipping was only $10 for 10 bottles. Not that that's good, but it averages much better!! Thank you all for your help!! They really are worth the trouble!
