ISO: ISO: critter reppellents

In Search Of:
Have you tried gopher execution by road flair? It works if you find the main tunnel...

If the gopher holes are roughly in a line, the main tunnel is parrallel. Hammer a stake in several spots until you break through, then widen the hole--like a manhole above a sewer system. Light a flair, throw it in and cover the hole with a rock. Look around to see if there is smoke escaping anywhere and plug those spots too.

It a big PITA, but not as big a PITA as building underground cages.


Goodness! That sounds almost as much fun as using a high-powered squirt gun on roosting pidgeons

after dark. I'm going to suggest it to DH. He's not having much fun with traps.


It does work... I don't know about moles, but hot pepper flakes/powder keep away birds and squirrels, anyway.
