ISO: ISO EASY chicken and mushroom dish. I promised my niece a private cooking class for HS Graduation.

In Search Of:
or incorporate them into the cooking session too??...she could do the first round, while

they watch and try their hand at the second round. Could be interesting and fun to see the taste variations which may evolve.

But then again...they just may want to kick back and be the benefactors of her fun session in the kitchen with Uncle Joe. :eek:)

If you decide to go the mustard cream sauce route (sounds good!) you could incorporate

your niece's request for mushrooms into the rice. Here's roughly how I do a mushroom rice pilaf...

I melt a little butter, saute a touch of minced garlic (and sometimes a little chopped shallots or onions), chopped fresh mushrooms, salt and pepper, then add a big squeeze of lemon juice at the end (chopped chives or parsley too at the end if desired). Once the sauteed mushroom mixture is finished and tastes the way I like it I then incorporate it into hot steamed rice and serve.

Agree with Pat; I recently got a camera for our anniversary present. I have had fun asking people

to "smile" and then w/o missing a beat; I ask them to do a "silly smile" It has been so funny! Very silly, fun, humorous photos.

That just sounds sloppy. Edit to say that I was grateful to receive as our anniv gift a camera

We knew exactly what you meant. You should post a slideshow of the silly pictures.

Thanks everyone, it went great. I'll post a pic later of my niece with her Peches Cardinale,

which was her main motivation.

She and I worked in the kitchen while Jacques and her parents had wine and cheese at the counter. Her brothers were engaged elsewhere so thankfully there are leftovers.

I'm glad I kept the rest of the meal really simple. She couldn't believe how easy the Spicy Garlic Shrimp are, and plans to do them in the dorm kitchen. We did three vegetables--braised carrots, blanched green beans and sauteed zucchini.

We did the rice almost exactly as Pat suggested, without reading the suggestion. We followed Julia's Riz Duxelles, but used sliced mushrooms instead of minced, which gave me a chance to show how to saute mushrooms.

Rick's post on the easy sauteed chicken breast was just perfect, and the mustard cream sauce was excellent. I will add wine next time just to see, but it was delicious as is.

I think I now have the makings of a confidence-building "Cooking 101" type class, with the shrimp, chicken, mushroom rice, two of the vegetables and perhaps a simpler dessert.

Thanks again!

LOL, Maybe they'll get tired of missing the delicous goodness of the skin,

and just eat it like everyone else. I mean, really, there's already cheese and ham in there!

Still working on how to download. I am really not techie. I feel so helpless! I had a friend help

me download the first batch, now I have to figure out what is the best way to print them, or god forbid save onto a CD! I just feel so much from a technology standpoint has occurred in the last 15 years, and I am not on top of it! I gotta do something about it.....(Just add it to the list!)
When I figure it all out.... I will have some great Foodporn!!
