ISO: ISO Help from cyalexa2 or pet owners who have to give their pets pills

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I see you have already had many helpful responses.

I typically stick the pill in a meatball of canned dog/cat food. Given this pet's allergies, it make be difficult to find something that can be used. If there is a PetSmart nearby your friend could purchase limited ingredient therapeutic food for allergic dogs, if they have it in stock. These are considered prescription foods but because there are Banfield veterinary hospitals in most PetSmart stores you she should be able to get a "prescription" with out having to have the pet seen by the doctor. These foods tend to be expensive but an opened can can be refrigerated for several days and will make lots of meatballs. You or your friend may email me at for more help or information.

While it takes a little practice, most dogs, can safely be given a pill by hand. I am providing a link to a good website showing the technique.

I would avoid using raw meat, especially ground raw meat. Dogs are not immune to the effects of salmonella and E coli.

One more idea

Last two dogs in a row suffered bad allergies so lots of testing, homemade food their whole lives, special treatment every day. Pills were always a problem- I tried cheese, making pockets in cooked chicken bits and at least 50 different ways of getting that pill into the system. finally, with an especially tough customer (my very wonderful recently-departed Belgian Malinois, Zoom), our Vet said just crush the pill and dissolve in the tiniest bit of water possible then suck it up into a syringe and get it down Zoom's throat that way- then give a nice treat. Duh. Worked like a charm every time. She took it like a champ every time and loved getting a treat. Painless.

That is a good recommendation with most pills.

Certain pills should not be crushed and some time-release capsules should only be administered whole. Ask the doctor or pharmacist, or look online.

The link is one I use sometimes to look up information on medications. It pertains to drugs for humans but the majority of veterinary drugs have a human equivalent.

We get organic turkey sandwich meat here. If you can

turkey breasts in the oven, cut the breast up into cubes and put the pill into one cube?

Now I know why my cats won't touch them!

My cats will eat the most expensive canned cat food available (but I must say, when I open it, it smells like people food), liver and, I blush to confess, poached chicken breast. They also eat a kibble infused with tryptophan to calm them down, and it seems to be working.

We drop the pills on the back of their tongues as well - no problems, but it needs two people because of the claws.
