ISO: ISO help from yard sale fans: In a moment of sleepless GBH baking, I must

In Search Of:


have tossed out my 1 Cup and my 3/4 C measuring cups.

This happened back in November when I only had 2 hours sleep and decided to make that GBH for Toys for Tots. A few days later, I was looking for my measuring cups and the two I use constantly are gone. Poof. No Longer With Us.

All I can think is I was so tired they got tossed in the garbage when cleaning up.

Anyway, I've had these FOREVER and their "wall spots" are so lonely. I went to BB&Beyond and bought another set, but it's big and doesn't fit and I WANT MY CUPS BACK.

If anyone spots these (blue 1 CUP and orange 3/4 CUP) at a yard sale or thrift shop, please buy it and I'll reimburse you for cost + shipping. The blue 4 piece version is RUBBERMAID and the orange 6-piece version is TUPPERWARE.

Have you checked eBay? I bought an identical bundt pan last month...

...after searching for YEARS to find one exactly like my Mom's.


No. I was just so bummed, it only occurred to me moments ago that you all might help me find it.

I actually black-listed myself from ebay when I realized I was going out and checking my auction bids from work...over and over again. So I told ebay to block me. And bless their hearts...they did. And still do.

I'm glad you found them on eBay because I have the complete orange set and I would send it to you...

well the executor of my estate would send them to you. You would have to wait awhile though.

Let me know if you do not win the bid. I have the "Orange" one in "Yellow". Unfortunately, I can't

find the 3/4 cup; (Prolly in the dishwasher or misplaced with all the holiday entertaining), anyway, I am happy to send them to you.
Let me know

I can get them for you, drop me an email if you want me to bid...

... sallybr2008 at gmail dot com

Looks like Sally has you covered. She's WAY more efficient at this...

...I'm sure.

As for my track record of getting things shipped, ask Meryl! She'll back me up...


You're too funny! I thought you were joking about being blocked. I will send you an email of mine

if you are interested. I am happy to mail them. They are yellow vs. Orange. I found the 3/4 cup.

Speaking of "vintage", we have the original 1954 cabinets in our kitchen.

The doors are heavy plywood with a thick (by today's standards) veneer of Philippine mahogany. They have seen better days, as you can imagine. We will replace them this spring.

Last summer I was in the kitchen and found a loose piece of veneer. I peeled it off the door and in a loud voice announced to the rest of the family that I had "just peeled off a big chunk of 50-year-old veneer!"

My 16-year-old answered back, "From which part of your body, Dad?"


