ISO: ISO Highly Fattening Recipes for anything that I can ship from FL to MN

In Search Of:
I hope it's worth it because 3 hours before you posted I placed an order to ship 8 pints

to her. Shipping is $39.00!!!! But she's worth it.

So you think Talenti is better? IceCreamSource ships that brand too.

Thanks everybody! You are the BEST! Cheesecake, malts, truffles, mashed potatoes, dates, ensure.

Lots of information that will help.

Side note: Mayo clinic didn't want to do the operation so she went to the University of Minnesota. Her oncologist from 38 years ago referred her to Dr. Sara Shumway who has done this type of operation 30 times. It's complicated because of the sever scarring. Dr. Shumway is the daughter of Dr. Norman Shumway who did the first human heart transplant at Stanford.

Ah...I should qualify: It's an excellent ice cream. It just never goes on sale here. Always $6 a

pint, while Talenti is $5 a pint, but goes on BOGO almost every other month. I'd rather pay $2.50 for a good pint.

I think any Peanut Butter version would ramp up the calorie count. I did a test between Haagen Daaz, Talenti and Ben & Jerrys "peanut butter flavors". Talenti was my favorite, but mostly because their chocolate base taste like creamy Belgium chocolate to me. However HD had the highest calories.

I "was" going to the test the PB ones that Meryl mentioned, but those were only carried by Target.
