ISO: ISO: Ideas for cake for library volunteers. Theme: Volunteers are Golden.

In Search Of:
...and on that note, does anyone have a 3-tiered cupcake holder? I need

the diameters of each level. I was going to buy one but then realized: WHY? It's a one-day event so I'm going to build one up from plates and covered spacers.

Most 3-tiered versions hold 36-48 cupcakes so that should do me fine.

If you're handy with a glue gun and cardboard left over from shipping boxes

Here's a site that sells cupcake trees - but I used the picture in order to make my own. I then decorated so that the cardboard couldn't be seen.

In the FAQ section, their sizing says
"What is the size of the original Cupcaketree?
When fully assembled using all 5 tiers and crosspieces, the Cupcaketree measures 21" high. The discs range in diameter from 34" on the bottom to 10" on the top. The crosspieces are 4" tall allowing for items nearly as tall as 4" to be placed on each tier."


Ooh, Ooh....pool parteeee! All you kids are welcome and Sandy, I

know you remember how much our beautiful Blackie enjoyed our pool. We'll let you too. ;o)

Aww you guys, been a strange week,feel like I just walked into a great group hug!!! anyone? step in-

Couple different ways

When I used white carboard - the rounds for cakes - which are more finished, I added hot glued ribbon and flowers around the edges.

When I used shipping containers - the boards being brown, I covered with the white butchers paper - again hot glued.

I didn't want to put to much decoration into the tiers because that would have distracted from the cupcakes which were all decorated up.

If the cupcakes are decorated relatively plain, then I'd say put the decorations on the tiers - hot glue gun ribbons for edging, a few silk flowers, or whatever else fits the theme.


You're right Ang! I'll just fly to the east coast with my ducky cooler strapped to my back. It's

aerodynamic you know!

Martha and her new Henry came back last week. They tried landing a few times while there

was still too much ice on the pool; she sure has learned to love this safe haven.

The new Henry is just as much of a doter but we'll see if she gets as attached to him as his predecessor. Never did find out what happened to him.

Thanks for the warning Ang but when I gotta' lay, I gotta' lay... I've been to too many wild ducky

parties maybe orchid can help me determine who the fathers are??? Please forgive me orchid if I lay too many eggs in your shrubberies!!

I know that orchid has a digital camera. That will help to identify my newborns.

Oh man...I can see I'm in trouble! And the plants have just finally grown back. Oh well...sigh. ;0)
