ISO: ISO Mexican Food

In Search Of:
I don't use "LOL" very often, but this got me! LOL! Please send my ...

...sincerest apologies to su madre. I am sorry I corrupted you with my silliness.


Oh Michael, I am well beyond that...

I was just surprised to see it coming from your direction! And from an anglo, that's all - I have never heard it used in relation to food either...

Where as chingadera is used commonly now to refer to "bs", it's verb, chingar is something all together different, so if you take chingadera in it's exact meaning it more like a whorehouse, but not so nice...

See? This forum is quite eductaional!

Well, now that I've seen all the possible meanings of the word, I probably...

...wouldn't have used it in the title to the recipe.

I've always used it, and heard it used, to mean "thing", as in, "hand me that wrench over there, next to the fuel pump chingadera". "Hey, Michael, why don't you make those Chicken Sandwich Thingies? They're really good!"

I'll watch my language from now on.

