ISO: ISO Michael in Phoenix's son's tunnel cake.

In Search Of:


Not sure if it was here or over at Yahoo (I checked there and couldn't find it, but I can't find it here either, so what do I know.

I have a Tunnel of Fudge cake published some years ago from the LA Times. . .

Is that what you are looking for?

Thanksm C & m, but "work" has asked for no more chocolate from me.

I know.

Seems I'm making too many chocolate "free treats".

Michael published some photos of a bundt/tube cake that his son had made....the tunnel part was perfection.

I thought it was a cinnamon something, but can't remember at all.

Probably because I was making something chocolate...

Does the term "funnel cake" refer to any cake baked in a funnel or tube pan or is there

something more specific? And a funnel pan is anything with the hollow tube? Is a bundt pan a funnel pan with shape? Just as an angel food pan is one without shape?

Wasn't there a funnel something that was fried?

I've never used the term before but I think I need to start, but properly.

Marg, the term Tunnel refers to a cake usually a bundt cake with a "pocket" of fillling within.

Geez, Louise...this IS it! I thought it was a cinnamon crunch cake. Ah well...

thanks C. You, as always are one of the best "seek and find"-ers on this site.

Good, I think if they're worried about too much chocolate from you then it's THEIR turn

to bake something more to their liking. Sheeesh.

This is an outrage. I'm inclined to write my senator.

Hang in there! And in any case, I await your tale of this year's gingerbread house with excitement. smileys/smile.gif

I say don't bring anything for a while, until wistfully someone says

"remember when you used to bring in such delicious treats?" then laugh, HAR HAR!!! (invoke your inner pirate) and say, well, maybe I will bring something in sometime....

Such ungrateful people...

"no more chocolate??! "making too many chocolate 'free treats'??!" There's something

seriously wrong with these people.
