ISO: ISO Mimi--Site question

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Well-known member
Hi, I'm totally grateful and happy with this site and offer many thanks. So don't think me ungrateful for this suggestion. Ex: I've opened post #290 and I want to go back to the main page AT the same post. I've tried the back button, the "go to" button and "FK Recipe Swap" tab but they all bring me back to the top of the page and I have to scroll down to #291 post. Is there any way of getting back to it directly? I hate to say it but I was able to do this at G----Swap, Thanks for your attention

Yes, Mimi, it would be great when you can get to it to add. . .

this function of returning to the last place you were at on the Main pages, after you read a post or reply.

Plus, perhaps, since the messages on the main are stacked most-recent are last (at the bottom of the page), when you click click on this Swap's book mark, the page could load and then a end of loading the last, most recent post could be in the center of your browser's window--this is also like the Old Classic version of Gail's Recipe Swap.

or did I make this sound too confusing? smileys/smile.gif

I am not at all computer literate...BUT, after reading a post, if I click on backspace using (m)

either the mouse or the backspace key, I end up on the post I left off. Perhaps there are settings that can be changed???

I agree with Barb....

after posting this reply, if I hit the "back" button at the upper left of my screen it takes me right back to the bottom of the page, where this post is....hmmmmmm.

I too end up returning to the top of the page when I hit the back button. Would love to know how to

change that so I don't have to scroll and find the spot where I was previously.

What happens depends on which browser you are using.

If you use IE, you hit back and go to the place you left off. Same with refresh.
On the other hand, if you use Mozilla, Firefox and probably Netscape, then you go back to the top of the page.

What I do is I open the new post in a new window by right-clicking on my mouse...

It isn't the most efficient way, but at least I don't lose my place, and it does work. I suggested this to Mimi a couple weeks ago, and she wrote me back saying it was on the to do list, probably after the new year. I am sure it will be just a matter of time before we get this function.

Cathy, I use Mozilla most of the time...

and the way to deal with some of the issues is to open posts in a new tab, or new window.
That doesn't solve the refresh problem, but I can scroll pretty fast with my scoll wheel! Or, if I was reading the bottom of the page, CTRL and End get you back to the bottom of the page in a flash.

I am using Avant browser and I love it. It is fast and really blocks pop-ups very well.

thanks, Judy- I am a Mac user so getting around is a bit different than for a PC but I will try it

Safari is highly recommended for Mac users...

so says the I-tech company that our school district uses!

Is there a way to research our posts? Like clicking on our name and finding

the last XXX number of posts? Just wondering if I'm missing something or if maybe this could be added. I found it useful over at the new EPI to research recipes where I knew I had replied.

Hi Ang, you can search by user name from the Search function at the top of the page -

it will return 20 results per page, in chronological order.

EEK! Sorry guys I just got back home. Will get back to you after a good night's sleep!

I have requested this feature from the developer of this software

Actually I've requested several of the features you've guys have mentioned. He tells me he's working on a new release so maybe it'll be in there.
