I have made many bad focaccia. The key is to keep trying - if I can do it, anyone can do it.
Do you have a sourdough starter? If yes, I will gladly post the recipe I am using. It makes a focaccia with well-developed flavor, a crisp crust with a bit of chew, and pretty big holes in the crumb.
If you don't want to use sourdough try Suzanne Dunaway's recipe, see link below. That recipe will just about fill a half sheet pan. If you have the time and the room let it ferment overnight in the refrigerator instead of 30-40 minutes at room temp. Let it come to room temp while you gradually stretch it to fit the pan. Also, if you are going to make a large dough to divide into more than one pan divide it before the final rise. Cut the dough into the desired number of pieces and make each into a ball by pulling the surface down to the bottom several times then pinching the bottom to keep it closed. Use oil instead of flour on your hands and on the surface you set them for rising.
I have found that any focaccia recipe benefits from:
1. A wettish dough – especially if you are not dividing the dough and can just blop it onto your pan. I frequently add several more grams of water than called for in a recipe, this gives you bigger holes in the crumb which I like.
2. Careful handling to preserve the bubbles - Stretch the dough by sticking your oiled fingers into it and stretching them apart, no patting or pushing down on the dough. You can gently lift and stretch the corners. This not only gets the dough into the corners it helps get the oil back under the dough.
3. Lots of oil on the pan - I hate having to pry the focaccia out of the pan so I am very generous with the oil on the bottom and always remove the focaccia to a wire rack 5-10 minutes after taking it out of the oven. If it cools on the pan it will stick.