I'm working at a financial institution on the annuity team. Beneficiary? Ex-spouses galore.
It's so sad to see people not keep up their records. Primary beneficiary dies, but records never get updated. Then rightful beneficiaries need to hash things out in probate court.
Worse is the ex-husband who learns he's a beneficiary after she dies. He turns into a royal jerk trying to get the money. Kids, the contingent beneficiaries, get nothing because the records weren't updated. So sad.
Pat, glad to hear things are on the mend. When you get your footing,
I'd love to hear about lessons you learned along the way. (Keep backup files at the bank, etc.)Things you did right, things you wish you would have done.
It is beautiful, but so hot and humid in the summer. Not sure of the exact place
yet, but probably hill country west of Austin or north of San Antonio. We've lived in both cities before. We thought we would have plenty of time to decide, but put our house on the market about 5 weeks ago and sold it in 4 days. Then I panicked. We have to be out in three weeks. I guess household belongings are going in storage and we'll decide where later. I'm waaay too old for this.