ISO: ISO: Polenta Chat

In Search Of:
I tweeted Mario Batali this morning and he answered right back... I asked if there was a particular

brand of polenta to use or just regular cornmeal. He answered regular cornmeal made with water is ideal.

I was on the edge of my seat all weekend! Seriously, I was curious to know how it came out

I'm surprised you were able to get it smooth again after it had set up. It's good to know in case there are leftovers to reheat, even though I usually slice and bake the leftovers.

I was interested to see that my "sputtering" problem can be avoided. The flesh on my arms

thanks you for that.

And I have no problem with lumps when reheating in the microwave. Unless you have ethical issues with using one.

I'd be surprised too, but didn't Carianna suggest that some lumps were impossible?

I lived on the edge of Italianville where all kinds of products were available but still found that regular corn meal was just fine.

Ya. Like me and Alice. We sit around chatting up chocolate. (of course, the TRUE

irony of this is we have TWO people here who have ACTUALLY chatted up close and personal with Alice Medrich: Traca and Pat in NoCA.

I'm not envious. No. That would be the other Marilyn.
