ISO: ISO: tartlet tins 101... need basic advice and recipes...

In Search Of:
Hey cheezz, use Flo Braker's recipe for Miniature Tartlet Pastry Dough...

I love that recipe for my tassies, but it was intended for those tartlet tins. As Chris said, the dough is short enough that you shouldn't need to grease the tins.

I would think that a pie crust recipe would not be sweet enough, since the crust-to-filling ratio in the tartlet would be much higher than a pie.

You could probably line the tins with a piece of plastic wrap, and use it to mold rice for mini-sushi....

Have fun!

How funny, I totally forgot about this recipe...cheezz, for the coconut crust, I used a

mini silicone pan and had no problems with sticking. Those coconut tart shells are awesome and I'm so excited to make them again. It's been a while, but those are definitely a keeper. THey're like an American macaroon, then fill with ganache, pastry cream or curd. YUM!
