ISO: ISO Zuri Darling...I'm on my way......

In Search Of:


Well-known member
into a trip to the past, before and beyond! I am so happy. I did not get to read the book first, my Mum did and she said she was so thrilled, she has found a recipe she had not seen for a long time (I didn't listen to her really as I didn't want her to spoil the story for me and now she is asleep so I can't ask her which recipe it is) Anyway, I am on the 2nd chapter and can't wait for a quite moment to get on with the story.

The other book I was given is "Fig Jam and Foxtrot" by Lyn Bedford-hall. I so enjoyed reading that too. Mum is now reading it and says she thought your book was "more her cup of tea"! and finds the recipes in -Fig Jam- too modern!

Big hugs and all the best for '06.

(Heard it's darn hot and dry and there a so many fires all round and a bad one in Franschoek...OH Dear!)

Joanie!!!!! Two days late!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so sorry, I am not on the Internet all that much, and as you know it's summer, it's hot, it's school holidays, and these seaside villages are choking with people. Had so many visitors and invitations: started saying NO THANK YOU in a pleasant way.

Worst was when the water dried up this morning!! This area has expanded far to fast for available resources, and (sorry, all those who wander in here) the black municipality isn't doing a damn thing. The water problem should have been resolved years ago. There's a little water tonight: hope I can get enough to wash!!

I'm so pleased your mother liked the book (booklet??) == very flattered, I am! Tell her there is a new one out by Lynn Bedford Hall, but I forget the name. A follow-up of "Foxtrot and Fig Jam." I like Lynn B H, as we started out on this foodie road at about the same time. But she went all-out and actually published recipe books while I did not! I didn't read "Foxtrot ..." but did read the 2nd one. Sweet, but for my taste (because it's fiction) just a tiny bit "trying too hard to be funny." But to each his own. I do like her recipes, though -- very practical.

A VERY happy New Year to you and family!!

Zuri, it is NOT a booklet. It is a great read and good recipes and for me nostalgic. Well done. Hugs
