I've been trying something new: cooking only enough for one dinner.

I have been forbidden bo buy any more meat as our small freezer is bursting at the seams. It's like

a disease. I see meat on sale and have to buy it. Sigh!

I feel so much better. I'm not alone. I somehow felt that most of you had Ina Garten fridges and

freezers that can actually do the "place cookie sheet in freezer/fridge" thing. Mine have no room to spare----and I live alone. I must start a serious regimen of cleaning out pantry/fridge/freezer---before re-stocking. I really must.

Haha - the top-left half of my freezer looks JUST like that. One day

last week I started to clean out the whole freezer and only got 1/4 done. ADHD. But at least I found the pork tenderloin I was looking for. Tomorrow, the left-hand side. Bottom shelf has wierd stuff like coconut icees I bought on a whim once, and old old burritos that should probably be thrown away anyway ;O)

I am glad I'm not the only one who laughs when I hear the best way to freeze fresh berries is to spread them out in a single layer on a cookie sheet and place it in there. Ha!

You know if you had TWO refrigerators AND a standing freezer. . .

well, they'd still be that packed but you'd have alot more chit. I CAN find things, however. Just have to send in a rescue team ahead of me.

I do also and I'm starting to get really worried.

Both fridges/freezers and stand alone up-right freezer are extremely organized and in order. And my spices are alphabetical. Should I get help?

See, now this is what is really scaring me....I would LOVE to get over

to cheezzezzzz place! I'm beyond hope aren't I?
