I've never cooked an artichoke in my life, I don't think... can I steam them, or what's the best

There are other ways of doing them. Cut into wedges, then battered and fried. Or added raw to

soups or vegetable braises, like the popoular Roman springtime "stew" called La Vignarola. Or you can thinly slice them, saute them briefly, add a splash of water to the pan, and cover till tender, then toss with pasta.

C1, that's is it! I usually only make 2 artichokes at a time. I also use any cheese, not always

the smoked mozzerella. Thanks for finding it. It is a fun way to serve artichokes.

Dawn, I don't remove the choke before cooking if they are to be eaten whole. The recipe I posted

for the artichokes braised with pancetta, chicken broth and olive oil had the artichokes quartered so then the choke is easy, and necessary in this recipe, to remove.

Now see, I had to pry the leaves apart to get the choke out of the large one. It came out easily tho

I didn't cut 1/3 off, just the prickly part though, so maybe that's why.

Thanks for all of your suggestions - that's about what I did, except I didn't stuff them. They're fun to eat, pulling the leaves off to get to the best part, the buried treasure middle. Next time we'll try small ones.
