Just bought excellent Georgia peaches so thought I would mention "The Peach Truck" in case you

We had excellent (tiny) apricots in CZ this summer, and I've found that the big U.S. ones

can be improved by baking; I made Marian Burros's Plum torte, substituting half the flour with finely-ground cornmeal, with sliced apricots, and it was great. smileys/smile.gif

Got ours in MI on Saturday! Yahoo, wigs!

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! Some were ripe on Monday, more Tuesday. All are still not ripe on Thursday, but most are. Determining ripeness by smell - touch test hasn't been as accurate.

We love our MI Red Haven peaches best but these are a very close second. Dh and I are very, very grateful to you for sharing! Colleen

colleenmomof2, so glad you were able to track down a Peach Truck! I also love MI Red Haven peaches,

but have never been able to find good ones in southern Indiana. DH and I were both born & raised in South Bend, IN, so never had any trouble locating excellent fruit because Michigan was so close. Well, those days are long gone, and the Georgia peaches on The Peach Truck are the best I can find in this neck of the woods.

If you ever hear of a Michigan Red Haven Peach Truck with tree-ripened fruit coming near Columbus, Indiana, please let me know--I'll be the first customer in line! Wigs
