Just found out I won three ribbons at the county fair. That is just wrong.


Okay, hear me out.

I wasn't going to enter at all because I don't do fairs but the food coordinator for this event works at County Extension Center where I'm taking a gardening class and she was in a panic there might not be enough entrees. This was the first fair since 2020 COVID and she hadn't heard from her usual contestants. A sufficient number of entries was critical because AFTER the contest is over, all the desserts are cut up and sold piecemeal and the profits go back into the extension food teaching budget (ie: preserving food, etc). People definitely show up for that part.

So I decided "what the heck" and proceeded to bake entries for each of the five categories to help her out.
The first four were funded by King Arthur Bakers:
  • pound cake
  • yeasted item
  • quick bread
  • cookie/brownie
The last category was funded by our local apple orchard:
  • double-crust apple pie
So it was a bit of a surprise to find the entry line with contestants clutching baked goods was out the door and wrapped around the building on Saturday morning. There was so many entries for the five categories that they had to add several more 8-foot tables. I dropped off my entrees and left because I hate losing.

I had decided to ONLY bake stuff I have successfully made before so I wouldn't go off the rails. And yet I went so far off the rails that they're still clearing the wreckage (see earlier post about Volcanic Eruption Pie).

I made the Silver Palate Sour Cream Pound cake with pecans and my caramel sauce and thought it was the only entree I had a shot of winning. It baked perfectly but when I went to drizzle my caramel icing on, the lid popped off the container and spurted caramel everywhere. So I just spread caramel everywhere. It won nothing.

Next up was BH&G cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing and I forgot to add the YEAST! Yes...yeast, the CRITICAL INGREDIENT for that category. The dough was oiled and ready for its first rise when I turned around and there was the unopened yeast package, just mocking me. Several swear words erupted because it was already 7:30 PM on Friday night. So you know what I did? I just ripped open that sucker and kneaded the dry yeast in. Then I swore some more while picking out the lumps of yeast that didn't disperse. Did that deter me? Hell no...I just ripped open ANOTHER package of yeast and proceed to knead that in dry. Surprisingly the dough did rise and I rolled it out, smeared the cinnamon/butter filling, cut and filled the baking pan. Then I put them in the refrigerator because they were getting baked Saturday morning. But oh..you have to wait almost TWO HOURS for cold dough to come to room temperature and so I put it near the preheated oven. And ALL THE FILLING MELTED OUT of the rolls and puddled at the bottom of pan. I was all sworn out by this time and just baked the damn thing. And yet, somehow, it won KA third place for yeasted item. Color me shocked.

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Next up was Zoe Bakes Cakes Banana Bread with Nutella Swirl and I wanted a high defined bread but this recipe makes two small 8x4" breads. So I poured all the batter into a 9" pullman and baked it. And baked it. And baked it. That poor thing was probed so many times with a Thermapen to ensure the center was cooked that I could have submitted it to the Home Craft Sewing Event as a pin cushion. It won KA second place for quick bread.

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I made Dorie Greenspan's Chocolate Chip cookie with so much extra chocolate that it was basically chocolate held together with a bit of dough. I baked them 45 minutes before delivery. It won nothing.

And finally Dorie Greenspan's All American Pie--with my additions. I've already written up that debacle in wig's thread, but it won Barber's Apple Orchard second place. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??? There was no filling left in that pie...it was crust with a bunch of sliced apples.

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So anyway...this was my first--and last--county fair. All I can imagine is the judges were catatonic due to sugar overload because--to paraphrase Groucho Marx--any contest that lets this many goof-ups win isn't one I should be in.
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Oh my! I think things become more of a challenge the older we get. Especially in the wait, did I add that or not department.

Take the compliment and feel no guilt!!! (Julia says so!) Those things fought you every step of the way, you earned those ribbons!

And 2nd place with a pie that tried to exorcise its guts is a testament to how good that pie is. I make it every year at thanksgiving because my sil’s 90+ yro fil told me with tears in his eyes, “I thought I’d never again taste an apple pie as good as my mom’s.”

Congratulations! 👏👏👏
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Okay, hear me out.

I wasn't going to enter at all because I don't do fairs but the food coordinator for this event works at County Extension Center where I'm taking a gardening class and she was in a panic there might not be enough entrees. This was the first fair since 2020 COVID and she hadn't heard from her usual contestants. A sufficient number of entries was critical because AFTER the contest is over, all the desserts are cut up and sold piecemeal and the profits go back into the extension food teaching budget (ie: preserving food, etc). People definitely show up for that part.

So I decided "what the heck" and proceeded to bake entries for each of the five categories to help her out.
The first four were funded by King Arthur Bakers:
  • pound cake
  • yeasted item
  • quick bread
  • cookie/brownie
The last category was funded by our local apple orchard:
  • double-crust apple pie
So it was a bit of a surprise to find the entry line with contestants clutching baked goods was out the door and wrapped around the building on Saturday morning. There was so many entries for the five categories that they had to add several more 8-foot tables. I dropped off my entrees and left because I hate losing.

I had decided to ONLY bake stuff I have successfully made before so I wouldn't go off the rails. And yet I went so far off the rails that they're still clearing the wreckage (see earlier post about Volcanic Eruption Pie).

I made the Silver Palate Sour Cream Pound cake with pecans and my caramel sauce and thought it was the only entree I had a shot of winning. It baked perfectly but when I went to drizzle my caramel icing on, the lid popped off the container and spurted caramel everywhere. So I just spread caramel everywhere. It won nothing.

Next up was BH&G cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing and I forgot to add the YEAST! Yes...yeast, the CRITICAL INGREDIENT for that category. The dough was oiled and ready for its first rise when I turned around and there was the unopened yeast package, just mocking me. Several swear words erupted because it was already 7:30 PM on Friday night. So you know what I did? I just ripped open that sucker and kneaded the dry yeast in. Then I swore some more while picking out the lumps of yeast that didn't disperse. Did that deter me? Hell no...I just ripped open ANOTHER package of yeast and proceed to knead that in dry. Surprisingly the dough did rise and I rolled it out, smeared the cinnamon/butter filling, cut and filled the baking pan. Then I put them in the refrigerator because they were getting baked Saturday morning. But oh..you have to wait almost TWO HOURS for cold dough to come to room temperature and so I put it near the preheated oven. And ALL THE FILLING MELTED OUT of the rolls and puddled at the bottom of pan. I was all sworn out by this time and just baked the damn thing. And yet, somehow, it won KA third place for yeasted item. Color me shocked.

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Next up was Zoe Bakes Cakes Banana Bread with Nutella Swirl and I wanted a high defined bread but this recipe makes two small 8x4" breads. So I poured all the batter into a 9" pullman and baked it. And baked it. And baked it. That poor thing was probed so many times with a Thermapen to ensure the center was cooked that I could have submitted it to the Home Craft Sewing Event as a pin cushion. It won KA second place for quick bread.

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I made Dorie Greenspan's Chocolate Chip cookie with so much extra chocolate that it was basically chocolate held together with a bit of dough. I baked them 45 minutes before delivery. It won nothing.

And finally Dorie Greenspan's All American Pie--with my additions. I've already written up that debacle in wig's thread, but it won Barber's Apple Orchard second place. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??? There was no filling left in that pie...it was crust with a bunch of sliced apples.

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So anyway...this was my first--and last--county fair. All I can imagine is the judges were catatonic due to sugar overload because--to paraphrase Harpo Marx--any contest that lets this many goof-ups win isn't one I should be in.
Congratulations, Marilyn I am sure those ribbons are every inch deserved......you also have the battle scars to show for all your hard work.....sit back and enjoy your ribbons....Congrats again....
Oh you do have your adventures. I think, as Maria says, we just have to accept the little blips as we get older. I made a Marie-Helene Apple Cake yesterday and forgot to put the sugar in with the eggs. So I sprinkled it on the batter, already with the apples in, and just gave it a little massage --- difficult since there is almost no batter with this 'cake'. It was passable and for the first time, I just didn't let anyone know. I have a friend who likes it so much, I just gave it all to him and set about to make another. He was very happy. But with the second one, I forgot to put the melted butter in at the right time. The wrong time worked fine. But I think I need to clear my mind before I go into the kitchen.

I must say though, that the yeasted buns prize is a bit of surprise. Who knew that yeast was that forgiving?

Congratulations on your ribbons and your support of your community.
Okay, hear me out.

I wasn't going to enter at all because I don't do fairs but the food coordinator for this event works at County Extension Center where I'm taking a gardening class and she was in a panic there might not be enough entrees. This was the first fair since 2020 COVID and she hadn't heard from her usual contestants. A sufficient number of entries was critical because AFTER the contest is over, all the desserts are cut up and sold piecemeal and the profits go back into the extension food teaching budget (ie: preserving food, etc). People definitely show up for that part.

So I decided "what the heck" and proceeded to bake entries for each of the five categories to help her out.
The first four were funded by King Arthur Bakers:
  • pound cake
  • yeasted item
  • quick bread
  • cookie/brownie
The last category was funded by our local apple orchard:
  • double-crust apple pie
So it was a bit of a surprise to find the entry line with contestants clutching baked goods was out the door and wrapped around the building on Saturday morning. There was so many entries for the five categories that they had to add several more 8-foot tables. I dropped off my entrees and left because I hate losing.

I had decided to ONLY bake stuff I have successfully made before so I wouldn't go off the rails. And yet I went so far off the rails that they're still clearing the wreckage (see earlier post about Volcanic Eruption Pie).

I made the Silver Palate Sour Cream Pound cake with pecans and my caramel sauce and thought it was the only entree I had a shot of winning. It baked perfectly but when I went to drizzle my caramel icing on, the lid popped off the container and spurted caramel everywhere. So I just spread caramel everywhere. It won nothing.

Next up was BH&G cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing and I forgot to add the YEAST! Yes...yeast, the CRITICAL INGREDIENT for that category. The dough was oiled and ready for its first rise when I turned around and there was the unopened yeast package, just mocking me. Several swear words erupted because it was already 7:30 PM on Friday night. So you know what I did? I just ripped open that sucker and kneaded the dry yeast in. Then I swore some more while picking out the lumps of yeast that didn't disperse. Did that deter me? Hell no...I just ripped open ANOTHER package of yeast and proceed to knead that in dry. Surprisingly the dough did rise and I rolled it out, smeared the cinnamon/butter filling, cut and filled the baking pan. Then I put them in the refrigerator because they were getting baked Saturday morning. But oh..you have to wait almost TWO HOURS for cold dough to come to room temperature and so I put it near the preheated oven. And ALL THE FILLING MELTED OUT of the rolls and puddled at the bottom of pan. I was all sworn out by this time and just baked the damn thing. And yet, somehow, it won KA third place for yeasted item. Color me shocked.

View attachment 1928 View attachment 1933

Next up was Zoe Bakes Cakes Banana Bread with Nutella Swirl and I wanted a high defined bread but this recipe makes two small 8x4" breads. So I poured all the batter into a 9" pullman and baked it. And baked it. And baked it. That poor thing was probed so many times with a Thermapen to ensure the center was cooked that I could have submitted it to the Home Craft Sewing Event as a pin cushion. It won KA second place for quick bread.

View attachment 1930 View attachment 1931

I made Dorie Greenspan's Chocolate Chip cookie with so much extra chocolate that it was basically chocolate held together with a bit of dough. I baked them 45 minutes before delivery. It won nothing.

And finally Dorie Greenspan's All American Pie--with my additions. I've already written up that debacle in wig's thread, but it won Barber's Apple Orchard second place. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??? There was no filling left in that pie...it was crust with a bunch of sliced apples.

View attachment 1934 View attachment 1935

So anyway...this was my first--and last--county fair. All I can imagine is the judges were catatonic due to sugar overload because--to paraphrase Groucho Marx--any contest that lets this many goof-ups win isn't one I should be in.
Mazel Tov Marilyn! All those quirks/mess-ups/work-arounds are little extra 'adventures in baking'!
Mazel Tov Marilyn! All those quirks/mess-ups/work-arounds are little extra 'adventures in baking'!
It is pretty much the only way that I roll. I screw up, modify, butcher, ruin... pretty much every recipe and if I don't I don't have the ingredients on hand so I improvise. Then we use a fancy word like "fusion" to justify it. Tonight's dinner is fusion Italian, Chinese and Korean... ;)
Marilyn, I had no idea the apple pie you recently made--the one which runneth over everywhere--won a ribbon at your County Fair! Or that you also entered yeast rolls, a pound cake, some chocolate chip cookies and banana bread and won 2 more ribbons! Congratulations, Lady. What your tale above about cooking these 5 entries tells me is that EVEN WHEN YOU SCREW SOMETHING UP, you are such a good cook that you still win ribbons. Enjoy the limelight.
Marilyn, I had no idea the apple pie you recently made--the one which runneth over everywhere--won a ribbon at your County Fair! Or that you also entered yeast rolls, a pound cake, some chocolate chip cookies and banana bread and won 2 more ribbons! Congratulations, Lady. What your tale above about cooking these 5 entries tells me is that EVEN WHEN YOU SCREW SOMETHING UP, you are such a good cook that you still win ribbons. Enjoy the limelight.
Wigs, they took my phone number at the entry station on Saturday, so when I didn't hear anything all weekend, I figured I'd not won anything. But the event coordinator works at the extension center where I'm taking a gardening class on Thursdays and she had my glass pie dish and the winning ribbons.
It is pretty much the only way that I roll. I screw up, modify, butcher, ruin... pretty much every recipe and if I don't I don't have the ingredients on hand so I improvise. Then we use a fancy word like "fusion" to justify it. Tonight's dinner is fusion Italian, Chinese and Korean... ;)
Oh I love that Paul! I'm going to borrow the term!! thanks!!